Prof. Daoben Li

Prof.Li Daoben received his M.S. and PhD degrees from Beijing University of Posts & Telecom, China, in 1961 and 1964 respectively. He is now a full professor of Beijing University of Posts & Telecom China, His research interests are in information and coding theory as well as mobile communications. He is the inventor of LAS-CDMA, OVCDM and OVCDMA. In 1999, he founded LinkAir Communications, Inc., located in Santa Clara, USA, from 1999-2005 had been the Chief Scientist and Vice President of LinkAir Communications, Inc.

From 1981 to 1982, he was Visiting Scholar at the University of Hawaii.
From 1982 to 1984, he was Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Los Angeles.
From 1989 to 1991, he was Visiting Professor at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Prof. Li has published over 200 papers and five books. He holds 119 PCT international patents on LAS-CDMA, OVXDM, OVCDM, OVCDMA and others. He was ever in charge the following National Key projects: 3 NNSF, 2 863; 2 National major on mobile Comm. etc.